Today the government wing criticizes hungry for throwing a surgeon while talking about bullies
Hungary is small as a country, and as a country in the economy and in the back of Europe,
The citizen's prosperity will be the man country, the kangölü war is running away Why would you take the man who escaped from his country 1914-1915
The Ottoman Empire was like a bullet, bombs were exploding and occupation soldiers were occupied everywhere in the country
Our grandfather's grandparents left the country, no prairie made a pirate's rifle, attacked the enemy
Leaving the land they lived in, and now the government is making a breeze, what do you expect
I will support you in the future of the Turkish nation of the throat of the Turkish nation,
You are giving them money from our pocket and you do not do this to us who said you would still do it if you have not done it and if you have not done it you would have been a burden to us and now you are calling us to europe
They go to their doors hungaries are our brothers and hungry brothers have done their best and everyone has the right to girl
There is no such kind of turkish people like us like us
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