The Etruscans lived in the Etrurian region of Italy, located between the Tiber and Arno rivers. It is the name of a people who have surpassed their existence until the 6th century and are described by the Old Romans as Etruscans or Tuscians [1]. Etruscan people and culture gradually melted in the Roman Empire. The Etruscans were at a much higher level of civilization than the other tribes in Italy. It has been discovered in the present day that Roman civilization, from the gods in mythology, from law to roadbuilding techniques, has taken root almost entirely from the Etruscan civilization. The Etruscans' religion, as Cicero said, had an initiative organization based on an inspired religious and 12- .The name of the greatest god of the extremities was Turan.
The Etruscans, who have their own unique language, have been identified by the Greeks as Tyrrhenoi or Tyrrsenoi, but they have defined themselves as Rasna or Raśna. It is believed that the Roman city was founded in the territory of the Etruscans and that it was under the rule of the Etruscans of the city until they plundered the city of Veil of Romans (396 BC).
According to the Greek historian Herodotus, the Etruscans migrated from Lydia to Italy, as well as many historians linking the Etruscans with the customs of eastern civilizations. For these reasons the Etruscans argued that their origins were rooted in the Eastern civilizations.
The most recent work on the Etruscan roots was carried out by a group of genetic scientists from various Italian universities in 2004. In this research frame, DNA samples taken from 80 skeletons belonging to the Etruscans who lived between 7 and 3 centuries BC were taken and compared with the DNAs of various nations living today with a very careful study.
As a result, it is claimed that the genus of the Etruscans has the closest relation with today's Anatolian Turks compared to other nations. (Vernesi et al., 2004). As is often said in ancient Greek myths, this situation has been explained by the migrations from Anatolia to the Italian Peninsula in antiquity.
ETRUSKLER takes a very important place in Early Turks. Mr. Kâzım MİRŞAN Etruscan inscriptions, which we have known through researches on early Turkish history, were read in 1965 and published in the book "Proto-Turkish Writings" in 1970. In his first book, Mr. Ezturk's article written by Mr. Kâzım MİRŞAN has been read in Turkish according to the following ETRÜSK alphabet. In 1998, Kâzım MİRŞAN was examined thoroughly with the book "TRANSFERS DISTRIBUTIONS, WRITES and LANGUAGES", and after having examined the language and religions, ie belief structures, of ETRÜSKL, he made it clear that ETRÜSKLERİN is a Turkic.
Mirşan, K. 1970; Proto-Turks, p. 28
Mirşan, K. 1998; Etruscans, History, Writings and Language, p. 6
Adile AYDA, "The Etruscans were Turkish people?" Ankara 1974 book also covered the same subject. Adile AYDA has made similar statements especially in Turkish and Etruscan in these researches. Herodotus (d.448-425) says that the people of Attica are not Helen-backed and give a lot of information about the Etruscans. ETRÜSK language has not been read so far except K. Mirşan. Professor in Florence, who was the most authoritative scientist in Etruscan in Italy in 1995. Dr. After a week of meetings with Giovannangelo CAMPOREALE, he accepted that the Etruscan inscriptions of Kâzım MİRŞAN were early Turkish.
Two articles were published in the December 2005 issue of "Science and Utopia" on "TRANSFERS". First of all, this writer and the reader about the history of early Turkish history informed Sayın Erkan ILDIZ and Professor. Dr. I know the debt as a Turkish Nationalist who would like to thank Elif Tül TULUNAY. It is a big shortcoming that the work of Mr. Sayın Kâzım MİRŞAN, which is the most important researcher of this subject, is not utilized and that no contact is made with this subject.
The greatest development in our world for humanity has been the result of immigrations from Central Asia after the last glacial period. The greatest consequence of this great shift in people in Central Asia is the development of civilization in Central Asia, and especially the move to Europe.
Thousands of years of immigration. It is known that in the 5,000s it began to migrate to Scandinavian countries. Before the community we called ETRÜSK came to Italy, in France, They lived at 4.000 Glozel and in Austria. POWER TRANSMISSION We are aware of the remains that have been placed in the Tuscan region, called the Etrurye, which is rich in the mines in the 1,500-year-old Po basin.
The dominance of the TRUCKS continued as a superior civilization both on land and in the sea, from the north to the south of the Roman city from the Po basin. D. ö. 600 is the most powerful period. The city of Rome. 743 was founded by Romulus. Even today the symbol of the city of Rome, as seen in the statue in the city center of Rome BOZKURTTUR. The symbol of Bozkurt is also present in the official clothes of Roman police today.
TRANSFERS d. Up to the year 100, the superiority was maintained. TRANSLATORS I do not speak Latin